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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy  updated on 11th September 2018.

This Policy determines how we obtain, collect and use information on our blog https://kyogiedu.blogspot.com (the Blog or Our Blog) or other products and services provided on the blog https://kyogiedu.blogspot.com  (all of the above together referred to as the Services).

    By visiting this Website or using the Services, you accept rules and conditions described in this Policy, which could be changed over time. Every time, when you visit the Website or use the Services you express your direct consent to us collecting, using and disclosing information provided by you in accordance with the procedure described in this Policy.
    We collect, register or process any of the following general categories of information:

    Information about your visits to our Blog, your use of the Blog;
    Computer Introduction;
    Operating system;
    Browser type;
     Information source;
     Visit duration;
    Number of pages viewed;
    Pages requested by your browser from our server (via cookies).

    Distribution and disclosure of information

kyogiedu.blogspot.com may transfer your personal information and submitted content that kyogiedu.blogspot.com  collects from you to our main server for processing and storing. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. kyogiedu.blogspot.com  will take all reasonable steps to make sure that your data is treated securely without any loss, misuse or alteration of information and in agreement with this Privacy Policy.

To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as requiring a password and user ID, before granting access to your data.

While you can terminate your account at any time, your information may remain stored in archive on our servers even after the deletion or termination of your account. However, we will not sell, transfer, or use the information relating to the terminated account of an individual in any way.

By writing a testimonial you agree that we are allowed to use your testimonials linked to your account or not for marketing purposes. We are also allowed to place your testimonials on pages of kyogiedu.blogspot.com

You can always contact support team and ask to block / remove your testimonials if you feel that it may harm your educational profile.

The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and therefore kyogiedu.blogspot.com cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us electronically and transmission of such data is therefore entirely at your own risk.

We reserve the right to disclose personal User information subject to lawful demands or if we are bound by a court decision.

    We protect your information in the following way:

We take all possible steps to ensure the safety of your information, which is required for functioning of the Services, on our secure servers;

You bear responsibility for observing the privacy of your passwords and safety of your keys stored on your device.

    Third party websites:

Our Blog  may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites. If you follow any links to a third party website, keep in mind that these sites have their own privacy policies and that we do not assume any responsibility or obligations under such policies. Please examine these policies prior to transferring any personal data to other websites.

    Access to information:

Our website does not possess the capability to access your personal information on your personal computer.

    Our relations with advertisers:

We do not disclose your data to our advertisers, however, We are entitled to provide summarized information about our users for the purpose of demonstrating to advertisers the characteristics of the target audience.

We are also entitled to use summarized information to provide assistance to advertisers in attracting the target audience.

If you have agreed to receive advertisements by email or via SMS from us or our partners, you can unsubscribe at any time by sending us an email via the Website of the Company or software developed by the Company.

    Changes to our Privacy Policy:

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to update or change this Privacy Policy or any other policies or procedures at any time with or without prior notice. However, we will not use your Personal information in any way that would substantially differ from the one described in this Policy without providing you with a possibility to exclude such use. We will publish revised Policy on the Website to provide users with the possibility to see what kinds of information we collect, how it is used and under which circumstances it can be disclosed. You agree to re-read the policy from time to time to stay updated. Your further use of Website shall be viewed as your consent to any changes and conditions of our Policy. If you do not agree to these conditions, you should not use the Website or any other Service
Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Reviewed by Tech YoGi on 5:18 PM Rating: 5

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